Panera’s Longest-Running Campaign
2014 - 2015 / Anomaly
In the span of 4 months I oversaw a skeleton crew of creatives working around the clock to develop, produce and launch the “Food as it Should Be “ Campaign. A national integrated rebrand including TV, OOH, print, digital, social, and POS.
Panera's stock price went from a -11% drop to a +31% increase within the first 6 months of campaign launch. The "Food as it Should be” platform is still in use more than 5 years later, even after Panera parted ways with Anomaly.
I’m proud of the work but more proud of the team.
If you liked this work, you might also like the people who worked on it.
Henrietta Probert, Strategy
Simon Philion, Associate Creative Direction, Copy
Bec Pond, Associate Creative Direction, Art Direction
Andrew W Kay, Art Direction and Design
Isaac Weeber, Art Direction and Design
Heather Brodie, Copywiting
Nick Sugai, Copywriting
Luke Behrends, Creative Direction and Copywriting
(but mostly Partner Abandonment)
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