Setting Chobani Up to Win In-House Agency of the Year
2018 / Chobani
I went in-house at Chobani to help develop their Chobani Less Sugar launch. The beauty of less sugar was apparent from the start, but the reasons why were too logical, too reasonable, and too practical. We all knew less was better, but we had to make less feel better than more.
Ultimately, Chobani proved once again that they know when to take leaps of faith: to prove out the joy and beauty of simplicity, they juxtaposed it against the excessive stresses of modern life. And it wasn’t just good work, the Chobani Less Sugar campaign helped Chobani win Ad Age’s 2018 In-House Agency of the Year.
I was brought in to develop the initial campaign concepts, and though I didn’t produce the work personally, the groundwork I set was used straight through to the launch. “The Wonderful World of Less” was developed from one of the first scripts I wrote for the project.
Less is relative
One of my original designs made it to the end too. At the beginning of the project, there was a possibility that the product would be called “Chobani Hint of” as in, “Chobani Hint of Wild Blueberry”.
I was inspired by the term “hint” and felt that the way watercolor spread on a page evoked the feeling of a hint of flavor by providing just a hint of color.
Hints of color
My original 15-second scripts relied on the simple beauty of the watercolor, and they made it through to production too!
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people who worked on it.
LeLand Maschmeyer, Chief Creative Officer, plus he like, actually led the project
Lisa Smith, Design Direction
Kathy Hepinstall Parks, Creative Direction, Copywriting
Jen Dot Lu, Art Direction, Design
Johnny Leicht, Creative Direction, Copywriting
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