Pandemic Production: Soft Touches, Hard Turns, & Shaq

2020 / Terri + Sandy

I was brought in to develop initial concepts for a Gold Bond rebrand in February of 2020 and ended up staying on til October to creative direct, art direct, and design a pre-pandemic campaign in through the thickest parts of the COVID lockdown.

Found footage + CG
+ rogue tabletop

What was supposed to be a multiple-location tons-of-talent lifestyle shoot shoot ended up being a mixture of stock footage, CG, and tabletop shot in a country with less stringent lockdown regulations.

Somehow we ended up producing more than 20 spots.

Typically testimonial campaigns are dry and flavorless—but internet reviews are a whole other thing. We snagged the best ones and skinned them with our new, type-focused look & feel.

Testimonials you actually wanna read

Bonding the real with
the computer-generated

In social we blended stock lifestyle imagery with motion-controlled CG-enhanced shots, connecting them with our bold type and blunt messaging.

Oh yeah and in the middle of everything we noticed sales were through the roof from all the lockdown hand-washing, so we shot a TikTok Duet with Shaq to promote social distancing through elaborate no-touch handshakes—sorry—hand Shaqs.

I directed this shoot remotely from my house through an iPhone in Shaq’s house. He kept calling me Spielberg.

The #HandShaq on TikTok

It got like 4.2M views, and of course, TikTok being TikTok, there were a lot of people who just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to play around…

If you liked this work,
you might also like the people who worked on it.

Todd Condie, Creative Direction, copy

Eric Burnett, Copywriting, initial campaign concept

Luciano Griessi, Associate Creative Direction, Copywriting, HandShaq

Alexandra Vazquez, Art Direction, Brand identity

Jaehyun Brian Cho, Art Direction, Design

Ry Radermacher, Copywriting, Social

Nic Alstott, Design, Social

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these projects:

Food as it Should Be
A similar rebrand with a real life vibe, produced with before COVID with very different challenges.

VISA & Wells Fargo & the 2020 Olympics
Another 360º campaign that I created and produced during lockdown.

A different typography and tone of voice-led campaign with very different goals and cultural lens.